Monday, March 30, 2009

Miso Daikon

This daikon radish is also known as mooli in Hindi and other Indian languages. It can be found in UK supermarkets under that name. Despite it being a widely used and grown vegetable in Japan, it in fact originated in continental Asia.

A couple of years ago, one of my students gave me a whole daikon from her allotment. It was huge (see picture, compared to my kettle). I was eating it for days, and at that time didn't have so many ideas for what to do with it. I think most of it I ate raw with a salad dressing I made from dijon mustard, honey, lemon and pine nuts. You can eat the leaves too.

Anyway, here is a recipe for Miso Daikon:

Some thick (2cm) slices of daikon cut from half a daikon
1-2 teaspoon soft brown or black sugar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 heaped teaspoon red miso
Black sesame seeds
Lemon zest to garnish

  • Slice the daikon into 2cm thick slices.
  • Mark a cross on one side of each slice to help cooking and absorption of flavours.
  • Put in a saucepan and cover with boiling water and the soya sauce. Boil for 20 - 30 minutes until tender.
  • Put the sugar, miso, lemon juice and sesame seeds in a bowl. Add a couple of tablespoons of the cooking liquid and mix. Feel free to adjust the sauce ingredients to taste. I used golden sesame seeds as I didn't have black.
  • Arrange the daikon on a plate, and spoon over the sauce.
  • Garnish with lemon zest.
Delicious hot, and best eaten on the same day. If you can get yuzu, use that instead of lemon. To make it easier to eat, the sauce can be a thick spread.


  1. Picture is just classic!

    After reading article, it seems that this vegetable is not that difficult to cook and I do encounter daikon radish in supermarkets, but always humbly pass by as not sure how it’s prepared. Maybe I should give it a try.

  2. Hi, Nice blog. I was searching for a japanese recipe for daikon and reached here! Will definitely try this recipe. Thanks.

  3. Yes, you should both definitely give it a go. Apparently daikon also helps the digestive process, which is why it is served grated with many dishes.
